life as a youtuber

life as a youtuber
Being an animator
Hi. My name is Doggo. I'm animator on YouTube. So what's life like as a YouTuber? You have to deal with annoying copyright claims, problems with editing programs, perhaps. Or just keeping your promise of uploading every week. But let me show you what it's like.

Weird is okay
So what's it like being a YouTuber? Well, the ones who are already successful don't need to worry about much, but when first starting out, it can be tough.
As far as being an animator, probably the best and worse things are these things, in this order: The praise, and time. If enough people who aren't any of your close friends, they're probably gonna appreciate your content. But it takes SOOO much time to animate and edit videos.
And what's really annoying is when you get a copyright claim from YouTube for using either copyrighted audio or video clips. But besides the pros and cons, I'd say being an animator on YouTube is pretty fun, but can get kinda frustrating, specifically when something doesn't work. As I'm writing this, I have only 17 subscribers. So 17 people want to see what I do, and I'm a pretty small channel, so if subscribed, that would be great.
Thank you.
Know where to find me
You can join my discord server here: https://discord.gg/EnREe8J and you can find my YouTube channel right here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLPbqVk6KsG7w2_92EbpgMA?view_as=subscriber

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